Thursday, January 13, 2011

Whiner Caught Out by Methadone-Prescribing Doctor

 Now the following is all just my opinion:

I like to whine as much as the next guy, but when I'm whining I do my best not to lie. Frankly, I find it spoils the experience and that whining is done best when it doesn't include lies.

So it saddened me to see a whiner get caught in a lie by - of all people - a Methadone-prescribing doctor by the name of Craven, who dismantled the whiners letter with ease.

Here is the whiner's post:

I walk past the methadone clinic on Dundas St. almost every day on my way to school and I find the condition of the area disgusting. Aside from the grass being totally destroyed and garbage everywhere, the general area leaves room for improvement. I would like to see the clinic moved to a larger, more private area.

 Wrong - There is no grass on that property, as the good doctor pointed out, whilst also addressing the loiterers:

The letter Move methadone clinic (June 7) refers to a "disgusting" property on Dundas St., which has "grass totally destroyed and garbage everywhere" and with patients who do not seem to be improving.

Clinic 528, a London methadone treatment centre is located at 528 Dundas St. We have no grass and dispose of all garbage in a locked container behind our facility. Our clients are not allowed to loiter in the vicinity of our building.

The writer of this letter is likely referring to an unrelated property a few doors to the east of our building, where visitors are allowed to loiter in a grassy area for extended periods of time.

This person was complaining about garbage being everywhere, but I haven't noticed a difference in the amount litter near Craven's Clinic relative to any other places along Dundas street in the downtown area. 

Maybe the garbage is more obvious when people know there is a methadone clinic in the general vicinity.   Kind of like how those little reefer dime bags stick out on the ground when one walks past a high school.

Right Kids?

And what is with this guy being able to determine patient improvement...  

...See that is why when one whines, one must be realistic. The person who Dr Craven rebutted would not have been so vulnerable had he simply refrained from hyperbole or taken the time to do some fact-checking..

 Let that be a lesson to all of us who like to write into the london free press to whine about that one clinic.

Doctor Craven is probably going to see your letter if it gets posted by the free press, so don't give him any more an advantage than he already has. Or do, and then we can be entertained by him as his letter picks your complaint apart like he did to that poor fellow up above.

In fact, If I find any more like it, I'll post them here.

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