Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Final Solution to the Drug Addict Problem?

Get a load of this anonymous scumbag- I found him in the comment section of my local newspaper's website:
 Drug addicts should be separated from everyone else. Put them in a community within a reasonable distance of the rest of civilization and treat them there until they are able to function "normally" and can be trusted to be decent members society. Doesn't the government pay for their housing one way or another anyways? I can say this because I have seen how a druggie has ruined themselves and caused pain to their family for decades.Now they continue to be a burden on their family AND the health system, as they are constantly in and out of the hospital. Since the government won't help or think of new ways to tackle this problem, even when they get out of rehab, there's no place to go but back to the gov housing full of other druggies! 

As I've said before it seems that in London Ontario, the one group of people you can say anything about is drug addicts - specifically those people who are on methadone.

I found this person's 'final solution to the drug addict problem' beneath an article concerning the methadone clinic ban.  The most heinous suggestions can be made and the most egregious lies can be told about those people, to the point of calling for their removal from our society.

Who else could you suggest building concentration camps for and yet face no rebuttal? 

Just to see how it reads, let's substitute in some other groups and see how this scumbag's suggestion comes across. Then we can use our political correctness indoctrination to help us imagine whether or not a rebuttal would be forthcoming:

Natives should be separated from everyone else. Put them in a community within a reasonable distance of the rest of civilization and treat them there until they are able to function "normally" and can be trusted to be decent members society. Doesn't the government pay for their housing one way or another anyways? I can say this because I have seen how a native has ruined themselves and caused pain to their community for decades.Now they continue to be a burden on their family AND the health system, as they are constantly in and out of the hospital. Since the government won't help or think of new ways to tackle this problem, even when they get out of rehab and jail, there's no place to go but back to the gov housing full of other Natives!

Let's go with immigrants:

Immigrants should be separated from everyone else. Put them in a community within a reasonable distance of the rest of civilization and treat them there until they are able to function "normally" and can be trusted to be decent members society. Doesn't the government pay for their housing one way or another anyways? I can say this because I have seen how immigrants have ruined themselves and caused pain to this country for decades.Now they continue to be a burden on their family AND the health system, as they are constantly in and out of the hospital. Since the government won't help or think of new ways to tackle this problem, even when they become citizens, there's no place to go but back to the gov housing full of other immigrants!

I wonder if the Human Rights Commission in Ontario handles hate speech against drug addicts.

If calling for addicts to be isolated from civilization is not hate speech, then what does constitute hate speech against drug addicts?

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